Shift Report Refresh AMS

1.All materials required for task present?(obligatoriu)

2. All materials for remainder of activity ordered/called off?(obligatoriu)

3. Are all work faces/areas accessible for today?(obligatoriu)

4. Are all permits in place for todays tasks?(obligatoriu)

5. Are all RAMS in place?(obligatoriu)

6. Are all drawings/Workpack information present?(obligatoriu)

7. Is all correct plant in place?(obligatoriu)

8. Have all operatives signed onto RAMS and DABs?(obligatoriu)

9. Are there any other constraints which will prevent you from completing todays tasks?(obligatoriu)

10. Has all access equipment been inspected and tagged?(obligatoriu)

11. Were there any issues on todays shift?(obligatoriu)

12. Have all constraints and disruptions been recorded?(obligatoriu)

13. Were there any H&S issues on site today?(obligatoriu)

14. If yes, have they all been reported in line with Refresh AMS procedures?(obligatoriu)

15. Is everything in place for the next shift?(obligatoriu)

16. Were there any disciplinary issues today?(obligatoriu)

17. If yes, have they been escalated to Site Management?(obligatoriu)

18. Have all permits been signed off?(obligatoriu)

19. Were there any issues with Refresh AMS/Client materials today?(obligatoriu)

20. Were there any issues with Workpacks today?(obligatoriu)

21. Were there any TBTs completed today?(obligatoriu)

22. Were there any other constraints which will prevent work tomorrow?(obligatoriu)